As a member, you can buy in pension entitlements at any time by making voluntary payments. The money you pay in is credited to your retirement assets.
The amount of your voluntary payments must not exceed the difference between your expected retirement assets (insured pay multiplied by the conversion rate corresponding to your age) and the retirement assets that have accrued on the buy-in date after the deduction of:
a. vested termination benefits that you have not transferred to a pension provider under the Vested Benefits Act (FZG/LFLP);
b. any withdrawals you have made as part of the home-ownership support facility if they are no longer repayable under Article 53(8) of the Federal Insurance Fund Statutes Regulation;
c. any credit balance in part A of the third pillar insofar as it exceeds the annual maximum deductible amounts, plus interest, for the years that have elapsed since the member’s 24th birthday; the interest is applied in accordance with each of the relevant minimum rates prescribed by the Occupational Pensions Act (BVG/LPP) and set out in tabular form by the Federal Social Insurance Office.
Note for members from abroad
As a member who has moved to Switzerland from another country and has never had a policy with a Swiss pension provider, you must not exceed the maximum annual buy-in rate of 20% of insured pay in the first five years after taking out a Swiss pension plan. Once that period has elapsed, you can buy in the full benefits for which the regulations provide.
Please contact us, and we will be pleased to send you our form.
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